Mobile test

Unser nächstes Treffen ist am:

  • 18. September 2024, 18:00 h
    Gruppentreffen Salzgitter
    Pfarramt Salzgitter-Salder
  • 23. Oktober 2024, 18:00 h
    Gruppentreffen Salzgitter
    Pfarramt Salzgitter-Salder


Bettina Kaya
(betroffene Mutter)
[divider height =5] [icon type="icon-mobile"] 01 51/57 29 29 76
[divider height =5] Nancy Boever
(betroffene Mutter)
[divider height =5] [icon type="icon-mobile"] 01 76/59 95 17 80
[divider height =5] [icon type="icon-email"]
[divider height =10]
This is the content that will display on DESKTOPS.
This is the content that will display on MOBILE DEVICES.